A few weeks ago, a plate shattered in my room. It was a plate I had painted, as part of a friend's Master's degree project exploring the connections between food and community. It had hung up for four years on my bedroom wall. I walked in one day and only after being in my bedroom for some time did I notice that it was in pieces all over the hardwood floor. It was on the heels of a few very difficult weeks. Inner struggles, outer strugges, graduate school stress, personal stress, and some interpersonal tension had me super down. All the random self-care I did wasn't cutting it - walks, yoga, a hot bath, time with friends and family, a few journal entries, some good books, more sleep. It all felt like another duty squeezed in between endless hours writing papers, doing research, answering emails, and going to my job, internship, and classes. I really kept asking myself when I would reach the end of my tether and start to feel better. Then I took my online midterm. G...
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