Self-Education #1: CCAN/YIMBY/CSG/WABA meet-up on August 12th, 2023

 This weekend 8/12/2023: I attended the CCAN/YIMBY/CSG/WABA meet-up. S and I biked there. We met some people who represented each organization which was good. Z.P, from CCAN - he talked about the different initiatives to rally Virginians to combat some of the things Youngkin is trying to do, various projects around policy mostly. He also runs a lot of community events, it sounds like. He had an intern this past year who was a college freshman who is hosting an event at Armistead Booth park this 

I also met Alex from YIMBY- Yes In My Backyard, who talked about the efforts he and the group are doing around a BIG Alexandria policy piece relating to housing zoning. this would make affordable housing more doable in the future. I really enjoyed talking to Alex, he is a volunteer on an all-volunteer campaign and was really passionate about the subject. He organizes alongside other local groups as well. They talk to city council people who make sure that the Department of Planning hears the information that constituents want (or ideally that's the process). 

He said that housing issues are of two kinds, and someone explained it to him like this:

You're in a pool and there are tons of people in the pool. The water is rising (rent increases, shortages of housing). To stop the water rising, we need policy changes. We also need to throw people liferafts to get them out of the pool. That's social services. I liked that analogy. 

Then talked to Sonya at Coalition for Smarter Growth, and she is the Northern Virginia Advocacy Mananger. 

I told all of them about my climate change/environmental sustainability program with middle and high schoolers to galvanize them to feel more excited about school by incorporating real world things that have to do with the environment, climate change, nature, etc. A club that also includes a mentorship/internship/volunteer program within the schools. I got some buy-in for various members of the orgs to mentor people, Sonya, Alex, and Zander were all amenable. 

I applied for the ELCA's young adult conference on climate change to study the social statement on Corporate Social Responsibility, but found out I didn't get in. I think that's for the best - I think other ELCA young adults might do a better job than me. And it was a bit of a push time-wise. But I'll be interested to hear about it from my friend Chad, who did get in! 

I'll come back in again soon with more info about the book club and the events I'm attending over the next couple of weeks.


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