
Showing posts from August, 2023

Self-Education #1: CCAN/YIMBY/CSG/WABA meet-up on August 12th, 2023

 This weekend 8/12/2023: I attended the CCAN/YIMBY/CSG/WABA meet-up. S and I biked there. We met some people who represented each organization which was good. Z.P, from CCAN - he talked about the different initiatives to rally Virginians to combat some of the things Youngkin is trying to do, various projects around policy mostly. He also runs a lot of community events, it sounds like. He had an intern this past year who was a college freshman who is hosting an event at Armistead Booth park this  I also met Alex from YIMBY- Yes In My Backyard, who talked about the efforts he and the group are doing around a BIG Alexandria policy piece relating to housing zoning. this would make affordable housing more doable in the future. I really enjoyed talking to Alex, he is a volunteer on an all-volunteer campaign and was really passionate about the subject. He organizes alongside other local groups as well. They talk to city council people who make sure that the Department of Planning hears the in